An Ode To My Mother

Bitter sweet was the taste of the joyful tears that I've shed on the day I said goodbye. This Goodbye was not one for eternity, but rather one which excluded the nurturing of my beloved mother in the future. Marriage should be seen as the epitome behind the notion of "the coming of age'' , the initiation of becoming your own individual with the instilled values you've picked up throughout being nurtured.

I've always been my father's "apple of the eye''. He had spoilt me rotten, and still does. My mother never worked, as she had chosen to stay home and be apart of her childrens life through every step. She never spoilt me as much as my father did. She could be very strict at times and I guess that had made me a bit rebellious towards her. Nevertheless my mother loved me regardless, and I took this for granted.

I no longer live with my beloved mother. As the saying goes " You never know what you've got until its gone'', it had soon hit me hard. A realisation, thankfully not too late, it had clearly occured to me that she has been the biggest influence in my life. How could I have never seen this. Deep down she has always been my best friend, and sadly it has taken distance to prove this. My finest qualities originate from what she has taught me, my thoughts on religion, character, ethics, academics and the way of life has all been influenced by her and for that I am forever grateful.

Aslong as she is still alive, I will always be there for her, as she has ALWAYS been there for me.

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