The liberated "Modern" Muslim woman.

When one thinks of Islam and its women, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it a hijaab (long top in which to pray in) and scarf? Do we think of a submissive woman obliged and bounded by rules of a man? Do we think of a woman being restricted to her home, cooking, cleaning and always on standby? Modern society has now shaded this notion and has brightened up the voices and existence of Muslim women. The term "modern" Muslim woman has taken its form in this day and age. What does this mean? It means all sorts of things throughout different aspects of a Muslim woman's life.

Let me enlighten you with some realities of this "modern" concept. To me, a "modern" Muslim woman is not one who neglects her faith in Islam, but one who is merely true to herself in the sense that she allows for the emergence of her inner dreams and ambitions to portray through her character. I had conversed with a few young beautiful Muslim women in my spare time, who each have different styles and approaches to life, however their faith in Islam is powerfully equivalent to one another as well as mine. From the few young women I have interacted with, some were single, married, and in a relationship. When the married woman was asked to define what a "modern" Muslim woman was, she stated that "it is a woman who understands what it is to be a Muslim, she knows her rights and is not afraid to voice her opinion. In terms of the way she dresses, I would say that she should cover herself in ways that will suite her style" One of the single young women stated "it is a woman who practices Islam but still enjoys modernity of today's age, like music and fashion. A muslim woman does not discriminate as she is open-minded, seeks education and seeks to make a difference in the world" Majority of the young women have stressed the fact that even though they give in to society and its influences such as fashion, music and social groupings etc, faith remains deeply in their hearts and will by no means be disregarded. Some feel they are not ready to cover themselves in the correct Islamic way, some point fingers to the social groups they associate themselves with where it is acceptable to dress openly.

I would say, that it all routes from maturity and personality.
At the end of the day it all boils down to freedom of choice, and the way we are taught within our households from a very young age. We are now exposed to new, exiting and attractive lifestyles on a pervasive basis. Most times the unknown is most intriguing and we cannot always be blamed for the attraction. We are "modern" muslim women, well aware of the truth and the instilled faith in our hearts,however we are captured by the attributes bestowed upon us on this fickle world.

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